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Bartholomew & Fletcher (1837-1902)

Bartholomew, John;  Bartholomew & Fletcher

London; cabinet makers, upholsterers, painters, glaziers, house decorators & paper hangers (fl.1837-1902)

John Bartholomew was recorded at 4 Gray's Inn Rd in 1837 and 4 Upper North Pl., Gray's Inn in 1839 as cabinet maker, upholsterer and chair manufacturer.  By 1845 he was listed as cabinet maker and upholsterer at 217 Tottenham Court Road and 4 Upper North Place, Gray’s Inn Road and by 1871 the firm of Bartholomew & Fletcher was recorded at 217 & 219 Tottenham Court Road. 

The London Post Office Trade Directory (1882 & 1891) and The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886) listed the firm solely as upholsterers at 217 & 219 Tottenham Court Road and 9 & 10 Alfred Place.  The 1902 London Trade Directory listed their trades as upholsterers, painters, glaziers, house decorators & paper hangers.    

Sources: DEFM; Agius, British Furniture 1880-1915 (1978); Barty-King, Maples Fine Furnishers, A Household Name for 150 Years (1992).