Barclay, Jack (1905-1910)
Barclay, Jack
Gilbraltar Buildings, Gilbraltar Gardens, Bethnal Green, London; furniture maker (c.1905-10)
According to the reminiscences of cabinet maker Arthur Harding (b.1886), Barclay made music cabinets in his single room home. He bought cheap wood, which he inlaid with a home-made tool and white wax. He made a dozen music cabinets a week, priced at £4 16s 0d, which gave a profit of £2 per week and often used orange boxes for the carcase. Once completed, he sold the cabinets to or at Hollington’s at the weekend. Both he and his wife ‘liked a drop of drink, she was a good goer. He died young of TB’.
Source: Kirkham, Mace, Porter, Furnishing the World. The East London Furniture Trade 1830-1980 (1987).