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Audas & Leggott; Leggott & Co. (1877-1886)

Audas & Leggott; Leggott & Co.

Paragon Street & South Street, Hull, Yorkshire; cabinet & art furniture makers (fl.1877-86)

The firm was first recorded in The Furniture Gazette Directory (1877).  In the same year a suite of library furniture of mahogany inlaid with black & gold, designed and made by the firm, was featured with illustrations of a table, bookcase, chiffonier and chairs from the suite [The Furniture Gazette, 21 July 1877, 20 October 1877, 17 November 1877 & 15 December 1877].

The Furniture Gazette, 4 August 1883, reported that Messrs. Leggott  Co. (possibly the same firm or connected to it) participated in the Huddersfield Technical College Exhibition, showing a range of fireplaces and overmantels. Audas & Leggott supplied the desks & counter fittings for the newly opened savings bank in Hull to the designs of R. Clamp R.I.B.A, of Hull [The Furniture Gazette, 6 September 1884]. Audas & Leggott was listed in Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886).