Alexander, George Edward (1889-1958)
Alexander, George Edward
Kendal, Cumbria; cabinet maker (b.1889-d.1958)
Born at 20 Sands Avenue, Kendal, on 13 August 1889, he served an apprenticeship with Maple & Co. of London and was gassed in the First World War. On his recovery he worked for Arthur Simpson of Kendal and then for Wilkinson, the Kendal organ makers. At some time he worked for himself as on a business card he described himself as ‘A High Class Cabinet Maker’ ‘With Office and Workshop, at the Pianoforte Warehouse, Aynam Road’. A pair of bellows made by Alexander to a Guild of Handicrafts design is illus. Wright (2011) p.176.
Source: Wright, The Beautiful Furniture of The Simpsons of Kendall (2011).