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Adamson, D. Blyth & Co. (1876-1886)

Adamson, David Blyth, & Co.

London; furniture decorator & cabinet maker (fl.1876-86)

Adamson was recorded at 16 Lightfoot Road, Hornsey, London as a furniture decorator in 1876-77. The Furniture Gazette, 9 September 1876, commented on his painted panels: ‘...his workmanship appears not only good but fairly cheap’. The following year he advertised his painted panels for furniture [The Furniture Gazette, 27 January 1877] and by that summer he had added art tile painting to his repertoire [The Furniture Gazette, 18 August 1877]. 

The Furniture Gazette, 8 December 1877, reported that he had secured extensive and convenient new premises which would open the following year for the sale of general and art furniture to the trade.  

Adamson was listed as a cabinet maker at 55 & 57 Wilson Street, Finsbury in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886).